Enjoy the sites and sounds of our 6 acre (10,000 plants) blueberry fields. Many song birds, to see and hear. 
Picnic tables and benches are available for your use.

Containers are provided for picking and taking home your fresh picked fruit. (no charge),
     so please leave your containers at home.

Field etiquette:  Please do not cut through the bushes, please go to end of the rows to
     move to other rows.
Please do not pick berries off the ground, if they fall please leave
     them on the ground.

*  Portable toilet and hand washing station on site. 

*  Kids are always welcome - Adult supervision is required.  Children must stay with
   parents/guardians at all times.   No running in the fields, ground uneven, do not want
   anyone to get hurt.  thank you.

Strollers and wagons are permitted for small children.

*  Orders for pre-picked fruit when available.  Please call ahead for orders. All berries
   are hand picked.

*  We do not allow the use of rakes on our blueberry plants, or strip picking
     (where you pull the fruit ripe and unripe fruit along with the leaves down the stem).

*  No Dogs.

*  No Smoking of any kind (e-cigs or other) here on the farm. Thank you.

*  Cash, checks and credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover only)   
   (no checks over $100.00 unless you have picked here before)    
    Please note that the credit card/debit card fees are the customers responsibility.  

Sustainable Growing practices:   We take care around each and every bush. (Pesticide & Herbicide Free) All plants are weed whipped to manage grasses and weeds.  This allows for a better relationship between farmer and natural pollinators living here on our farm.

Our focus is you the customer, we want to provide you with healthy and wonderful tasting fruit, while protecting the environment for everyone, including the natural and beneficial insects (bees, ants, and spiders), and all the wildlife that lives here on the farm. 

Wholesale prices:  Blueberries only on pints over 500 (based on availability)

Blueberry bushes
Blueberry Information:     Blueberry season is now closed
                                             for 2024.
Blueberry Varieties we grow
:  Northblue, Chippewa, North Sky
                                                      and Northland.                                       
Days/Hours :  
Monday - Tuesday:               
Wed -                            
Th - Fri - Sat:                     
U-Pick Prices:  $  /Pint     $   /Pail (8 pint pail/1 gallon)
Pre-picked:       $  /Pint      3 or more $ /Pint
(Please call ahead for large pre-picked orders) thank you.

*Note 2 pint minimum to pick in field

A gentle reminder for parents coming with children
to the farm. Please make sure that you are supervising
your children and that they are near you at all times. 
We love to see families here, but ask that you watch them. 
Thank you.

Note: Individuals coming just to take pictures - please know
  that a 2 pint minimum is still required to go into the fields.  Thank you.

                                                                                                          blueberry fields 2015          

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